Warning Notice
The Federal Acquisition Institute provides this system under the authority of 41 USC § 1201. The applicable authority limits the use of FAI resources to its twelve purposes. By using this system you are confirming your intent to use it for, at minimum, one of the purposes listed under USC 1201(a) : foster and promote the development of a professional acquisition workforce Government-wide; promote and coordinate Government-wide research and studies to improve the procurement process and the laws, policies, methods, regulations, procedures, and forms relating to acquisition by the executive agencies; collect data and analyze acquisition workforce data from the Office of Personnel Management, the heads of executive agencies, and, through periodic surveys, from individual employees; periodically analyze acquisition career fields to identify critical competencies, duties, tasks, and related academic prerequisites, skills, and knowledge; coordinate and assist agencies in identifying and recruiting highly qualified candidates for acquisition fields; develop instructional materials for acquisition personnel in coordination with private and public acquisition colleges and training facilities; evaluate the effectiveness of training and career development programs for acquisition personnel; promote the establishment and utilization of academic programs by colleges and universities in acquisition fields; facilitate, to the extent requested by agencies, interagency intern and training programs; collaborate with other civilian agency acquisition training programs to leverage training supporting all members of the civilian agency acquisition workforce; assist civilian agencies with their acquisition and capital planning efforts; and perform other career management or research functions as directed by the Administrator.